Online Answering Service

English & Dutch speaking phone operators

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Dutch Telephone Answering Service

Professional Dutch telephone Answering services in The Netherlands for SME, (international-) business and start-ups. Are you an international company looking for a service to answer the phone for your Dutch clients? We can do that for you.

Our service is easy to setup and is without hidden terms & conditions. We focus on high quality and friendly phone-calls. Our business model is unique;

good service dutch telephone answering service netherlandsUnique:
You can activate the service online and it will be ready within minutes. All our customers can re-play and download all the phonecalls we handle for you… we are innovative, and maintain 100 % quality control.


good service dutch telephone answering service netherlandsPrice-worthy: 
Competitive rates including professional and friendly operators. We are the first phone service that is highly automated. The result is obvious, we can provide more quality for a better price.


good service dutch telephone answering service netherlandsQuality:
Contact with your customers, that is our daily business. Each answering service will claim to have the best people and agents. Perfect! We use a network of motivated self-employed entrepreneurs who handle your calls and understand your business better then the average employee ever will.


good service dutch telephone answering service netherlandsGet included a Personal Dutch Telephone (land line) number
Our service includes a free telephone number just for you. You can use the telephone number for your exposure, directly to your customers via website or advertisements etc. Do you prefer a specific local, regional or city number, we have those too.

Best Price!

Vindnummer klantenservice contact   Callcenter software   Opendial   Zaviera   Co-Sourcing Suriname  Suite CRM

quality phone answering service

Nederlands, visit our Dutch website

Nederlands antwoord service
